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Find Shop Vulli Sophie Giraffe Vanilla Teether, Colors May Vary Now.

See Reviews Vulli Sophie Giraffe Vanilla Teether, Colors May Vary Now.
Where can i buy Vulli Sophie Giraffe Vanilla Teether, Colors May Vary On Sale?We'd suggest.You can shop it from general store. If you want easiness and cheap price,You can shop product via various online store services and one of choices is Amazon.com that is the best online store services.

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Vulli Sophie Giraffe Vanilla Teether, Colors May VaryVulli Sophie Giraffe Vanilla Teether, Colors May Vary Detail :

Ideal for soothing baby when teething !

Soft and supple material with nice vanilla smell. Many chewable parts and a multi-textured surface for a gentle massage of the gums. Light and aesy to grab hold of thanks to its ring.

  • Recommended Ages: 3 months & up



Colors may vary. Please let us choose for you.

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