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Boon Gnaw Multi-Purpose Teething Tether, Grape/KiwiBoon Gnaw Multi-Purpose Teething Tether, Grape/Kiwi Detail : Ancient chinese secret huh? Forget that mad dash to save their teether from the germ covered pavement. Gnaw keeps the gnarly stuff out of your kid's mouth by keeping snacks and teethers within their grasp. How does Gnaw do that? We use the same technology as those Chinese finger traps you used to play with.
## Some of the common questions that many newbie customers is �What type of product should I purchase?� The right way to find out which one might suit your needs is to ask your family which type they use. Before purchase Boon Gnaw Multi-Purpose Teething Tether, Grape/Kiwi, you need to verify the product quality.